Responding to Music

Listen Up!
Talented PSO BRAVO! Listen Up! student writers and visual artists attended the Princeton Symphony Orchestra's Saturday, January 18, 2020 performance of Saad Haddad's Clarinet Concerto featuring clarinetist Kinan Azmeh, a world premiere performance. These students were invited to respond freely or consider prompts relating to the specific history of the piece and composer, the musical styles exhibited, and the experience of attending and listening to a live musical performance. Each student has created a piece of visual art or creative writing in response to their experience of the performance.
View Art & Writings Visit Our Virtual Gallery
Participants pictured above: In Front – Composer Saad Haddad, Edward T. Cone Music Director Rossen Milanov, Clarinetist Kinan Azmeh; Bottom Row – Sophie Yang, Cecelia Embleton, Keren Cruz, Isabella Guerrero, Lydia Keenan, Madison Reynolds, Lucas Yanney, Krishna Khetani, Alexander Holt, Leala Mauzerall; Middle Row – Loukya Paklapati, Brooke Truslow, Jeffrey Merendino, Molli Semel, Parsvi Shah, Kevin Mortenson, Seth Tolchin, Sam Lorenz, Minhee Lee, Katelyn Wang, Grace Li, Kiyana Kamikura, Finn Neuneier; Top Row – Vanessa Samayoa, Peyton Minor, Shawn Bullock, Derek Harrison, Selina Zhang, Emeli Hernandez; Not Pictured – Saanvi Bhaskar, Serenity Davis, Sophia Lennon, Tyler Olmstead, Rebecca Streeter, John Welch
Thank you to the following teachers who are supporting and coordinating their students’ participation in Listen Up! 2019-20:
Melissa Mack, The Cambridge School
Luisa Martucci, Christina Seix Academy
Monica Blake, John Witherspoon Middle School
Claudia Luongo, John Witherspoon Middle School
Whitney Ehnert, Montgomery Upper Middle School
Madeleine McCarthy, Ranney School
Pauline Swiatocha, Ranney School
Sally Chrisman, St. Paul School of Princeton
Linda Hochuli, Stuart Country Day School of the Sacred Heart
Please note that the PSO BRAVO! Listen Up! Exhibit scheduled for Tuesday, March 24 – Sunday, April 19 at the Arts Council of Princeton has been canceled due to the COVID-19 outbreak.