Please upload your video file directly to our Dropbox account by using this link:
Please ensure your file is labeled in the following manner:
Last Name, First Name - "Title of Piece" - Competition Category
Example: Smith, John - "Sonata in C" - Emerging Open Class
The Princeton Festival must receive a copy of your video recording file in order for it to be reviewed by our judges. If you cannot access Dropbox, please email us directly to discuss alternative file sharing solutions: [email protected]
A separate application fee of $50 is required for each category entered, with the exception of the Open Class where the fee is $75.
By submitting this application to the Princeton Symphony, I give the Princeton Symphony permission to contact any of the individuals whose information I have provided in this application on piano-related matters. I understand that, in the case of improperly given contact information, the Princeton Symphony is not responsible for ensuring successful delivery of relevant competition information to all parties. I give the Princeton Symphony full permission to distribute, broadcast, and publish my video recording(s) in their original form on all platforms, including but not limited to, YouTube, and Facebook. I also give the Princeton Symphony full permission to share screenshots, clips, or other portions of my video recording(s) for promotional purposes. The Princeton Symphony will not misrepresent the content I have provided or share my contact information with other parties. I verify that the above application is true and correct in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the 2022 Princeton Festival Piano Competition.