b"Program NotescontinuedWilliam Harvey(b. 1982) Seven Decisions of GandhiComposed 2020Composers Note: This concerto for violin and orchestra takes as its premise that we are defined by our decisions and musically explores seven decisions that made Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948) the architect of Indias independence and the global nonviolence icon beloved by billions today. The work, dedicated to Gandhis granddaughter Ela on the occasion of her 80th birthday (July 1, 2020), was completed on June 27, 2020 in Mexico City, and based on Ramachandra Guha's magisterial biographies, on 11 years of experience performing with and learning from musicians in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India, and on lessons with Abhishek Adhikary.I. S.S. Clyde to London The first decision considered here was Gandhis move to study in London. A trumpet fanfare, inverted from the one in Vaughan Williams Sea Symphony, heralds the land to which he intends to travel. We hear the sea journey, his wistful nostalgia for his Gujarati homeland, as well as his recollections of a meeting with members of his Bania caste at which they angrily told him that he would be condemned and outcast if he sailed across the kala pani (polluting ocean). Although he listened respectfully to their admonitions, he had the courage to proceed with his plans regardless, and on September 4, 1888, the 18-year-old Gandhi took the S.S. Clyde to London. II. Selling the Violin Upon his arrival in London, Gandhi felt that he should become the perfect English gentleman. He signed up for dancing and even violin lessons, buying a violin for 3. He soon decided that this life was not for him, however. This movement, a humorous scherzo, uses a couple of melodies all beginning violinists will recognize: Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, and Kreutzers Second Etude."