b'2023-24 Participating Schools and AgenciesArts and Health Mercer The Newgrange SchoolBear Tavern Elementary School Princeton Charter SchoolBrunswick Acres Elementary Princeton Child Development InstituteThe Cambridge School Princeton Friends SchoolChristina Seix Academy Princeton Montessori SchoolCommunity Park School Ranney SchoolEducational Therapy Center of Princeton Riverside ElementaryGreenbrook Elementary Stony Brook Elementary SchoolHopewell Elementary St. Paul School of PrincetonIndian Fields Elementary Toll Gate Grammar SchoolJohnson Park School Trenton Catholic Preparatory AcademyThe Littlebrook School Trenton Music MakersMake-A-Wish Foundation of New Jersey Village Elementary SchoolMonmouth Junction Elementary Youth Orchestra of Central JerseyMontgomery Lower Middle Schoolprincetonsymphony.org 23'