b'Cast (in order of appearance)Count AlmavivaNicholas NestorakBartoloSteven CondyRosinaKelly GuerraFigaroAndrew Garland BasilioEric Delagrange BertaKaitlyn Costello FainFiorello / Ambrogio / Police SergeantCody MllerPrinceton Festival Opera ChorusPrinceton Symphony OrchestraSynopsis Act IIt is early morning when Count Almaviva serenadeslodging in Bartolos house. Inside Bartolos house, Rosina outside her window in Bartolos house, andRosina sings the virtuosic aria Una voce poco f, in once again he does not see her. Figaro enters withwhich she pledges herself to Lindoro. She writes a the famous Largo al factotum aria, noting howletter to give Figaro for Lindoro. Figaro enters with a his services as a barber are in constant demand. Hemessage, but they hear Bartolo coming. Figaro hides recognizes the Count, who tells Figaro he wishes hisand Rosina leaves.identity as a nobleman to remain secret. Figaro ex- Bartolo and Basilio enter. Bartolo says he wishes to plains that Bartolo wishes to marry his ward Rosinamarry Rosina the next day, and Basilio warns that and so keeps her shut in the house, away from otherCount Almaviva has been courting Rosina. They plan mens attention. Rosina appears on her balcony withto get rid of him, then leave. Rosina and Figaro return, a letter for Almaviva, but Bartolo sees the paper andand he warns her of the plan. Figaro explains his plan interrogates her. She claims it is an aria from theto sneak Lindoro into the house. He leaves to deliver opera The Vain Precaution, and accidentally lets ither letter, and Bartolo enters, suspicious that Figaro drop. Almaviva recovers the letter and hides whilehas delivered a reply to Rosinas lost aria. He Bartolo searches in vain for it. In her letter, Rosinainterrogates her about a missing sheet of paper and asks Almaviva to find some way, without arousingan ink stain on her finger, but she invents excuses.Bartolos suspicions, to tell her his name, rank, andThe Count enters, disguised as a drunken soldier. intentions. He gives his name as Lindoro. AlmavivaUnfortunately, Bartolo is exempt from quartering enlists Figaros help to come up with an ingenioussoldiers. The resulting commotion attracts an plan to meet Rosina, in exchange for as much goldofficer who threatens to arrest Almaviva untilas Figaro could want. Figaros plan is for Almaviva tohe quietly reveals his rank. Everyone expresses disguise himself as a drunken soldier and demandtheir confusion.28 The Princeton Festival princetonsymphony.org/festival'