b'Marc Uys, Executive Director Marc Uys has led the dedicated administrative team of the Princeton Symphony Orchestra (PSO) since 2015. His initiatives and strategic approach have more than doubled the size of the PSOs season and expanded the scope of the orchestras activities to include important new partnerships with American Repertory Ballet and McCarter Theatre Center. During the pandemic, he has not only ensured the continuous running of the organization and delivery of its mission with a full complement of staff, but formed a partnership with the Youth Orchestra of Central Jersey, and, over the course of 2021, led the groundbreaking merger with the Princeton Festival. Prior to his current position, Marc enjoyed a 15-year international career as a violinist and production manager.IN MEMORIAMIn the past year, we have bidTHANK YOU!farewell to the following individuals who as either trustees or majorIt takes the cooperation of multiple organizations and supporters contributed enormously administrators to make an endeavor on the scale of the to bring to life a broad range of performing arts in Princeton. ThePrinceton Festival possible. We are incredibly thankful 2023 Princeton Festival embodiesto the following organizations and their dedicated staff the collective vision that theymembers for their help in making this seasonsand many others have workedFestival possible. towards. We will remember them always with admiration and sincereMorven Museum & Gardenappreciation for their generousTrinity Episcopal Churchcontributions.The Princeton Theological SeminaryDavid H. Brown Princeton Mayor Mark Freda Robert S. HillasHarriet Vawter The Princeton Festival Guildprincetonsymphony.org/festival The Princeton Festival 7'